Monday, August 9, 2010

Spiffin up your blog

Hi Everyone,

Happy Monday. I just wanted to share I site I found recently that I love. It's called LeeLou Blogs and her site offers so many free ways to jazz up your blog without paying someone to do it. This has been a great temporary option for me because I've been able to test out different options so that when I do have my blog site designed soon I have a good idea of what I want. 

Here's the website if you're interested in using it. If you don't have a blog, but want to start one she also has great tutorials under free stuff on her blog. In fact I think I'm going to go check out her new tutorials now. Happy blogging friends!

P.S If you need any help getting a blogger blog set up, you are more than welcome to email me and I'll help you get started.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Upcoming Fall Boutiques

We had a great night last night at our third quarter Band of Boutiquers meeting!

For those of you that could not make it, I wanted to pass along information about upcoming Fall Boutiques.

We decided not to have a BOB-sponsored Boutique this fall.  We all thought it would be best not to over-expose {and I don't mean in a flasher kind of a way} ourselves this season.  Instead we decided to discuss it again, perhaps in the spring.

These are the boutiques that all or some of us are considering for the fall:

October 9th
Ladera Ranch Dance Academy
Ladera Ranch, CA
For information contact Karen Ord

October 28th and 29th
Coast Hills MOPS
Aliso Viejo, CA
For information and applications contact Kelly Colvin

November 8th and 9th
Crossline Church
Laguna Hills, CA
For information and applications contact me... Emmy Blakely!

November 12th and 13th
The Queen Bee Market
Del Mar Hilton, Del Mar, CA
They will be accepting new applicants from August 15th through September 15th on their website.

Date TBD, but most likely the first week of December
Oso Grande Elementary School
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694
For information contact Nancy Yuhas.

If you have information on any additional boutiques, please post about them!

Also, our next meeting will be held on Monday, November 1st.
Location TBD.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Helpful Blogger Links

Hello, Gals!

It was great meeting you all tonight and finally putting faces with names and products. We have a very talented group of women and it's an honor to be part!

One day, I hope to pay a big name to do a professional branding of my business. In the meantime, I've worked within Blogger and have created one myself. Most of these tutorials do rely on a basic working knowledge of Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, but will walk you through exactly what to do if you are able to obtain the software. Regardless, these tutorials proved helpful as I built my blog, but they are specific to

How to Build a Three Column Layout
How to Capture a Screen Shot (this is helpful when posting about giveaway results)
How to Add a Blog Button with a Code Box Underneath
How to Use Fancy Blog Fonts
How to Make Custom Blog Buttons
How to Make an Animated Blinkie Button 
How to Make a Custom Blog Header
How to Make a Custom Background

Happy Blogging!