Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yes, there is still a Band of Boutiquers

Between Adoption paperwork, preparing for boutique season, and being on summer vacation... there has been little time for BOB Blog updating.  Sorry friends.

I wanted to remind you all that our next meeting is this upcoming Monday, August 2nd at 8:00pm at the Covenant Hills Clubhouse.

Please let me know {by commenting here} if you are planning to attend.

We have lots of boutique info to talk about!

Hope to see you Monday!


Kelly said...

I will be there! Miss seeing you, Emmy!

Jess said...

I will be there!! I feel ya on the busy summer, but I am ready for some boutique talk :)

**Baby J**

Molly said...

I'll be there! Looking forward to it! Has it really been 3 months since we last met?? Wow!

Deb Townsend said...

Molly invited me to the meeting and I will be there! I am new to the area and have been thinking of how to create a business. Looking forward to learning how to get started. Thanks!

Christina Mika said...

Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!